So.......we weighed in last night and ta da!!! I was down another 2.2 pounds and Raymond was down 4 pounds!!! We were not particularly diligent this past weekend so we were both sure that we had definitely not lost and we were praying we hadn't gained. Luckily, our hard efforts the rest of the week paid off!! We are well on our way my dears!!! I received a star (as did Raymond) because we've lost 5 pounds. You get one every time you lose another 5 pounds so I have one so far and Raymond's gotten 2!! It gave us some hope that since we've been good all week, and have a strategy for the beach, that we might not fall too far off the wagon while there!!
So, as promised, here is my recipe for the week. My MIL made these for us last week, but we hadn't eaten them yet when I did my post so I saved the recipe for this week's post and they are absolutely delicious!!
Southwestern Kabobs
1 lb lean boneless pork chops, cut into 1-inch cubes
4 tablespoons reduced-sodium taco seasoning
1/2 large onion, cut into 1-inch pieces
1/2 medium green bell pepper, cut into 1-inch pieces
In a plastic bag or shallow bowl, combine pork and seasoning; toss until well-coated. Alternately thread pork, peppers and onions onto 4 long metal skewers. Grill, turning occasionally, until pork is nicely browned and cooked through, about 10 minutes.
Serves 4.
4 points per serving.
Tonight I am headed to get a pedicure and a manicure (thanks Ellen and Ryan!!) because that's right ya''s almost beach time! We leave Friday to go to Sullivan's Island and we are very much looking forward to a vacation!!! If we ever get through with all the packing needed for all of our gear! It's sad when Raymond is having to do a dress rehearsal for packing the car!! Much maneuvering to be done!!!
Have a good night!!
Love, Charlotte
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Trashy TV TuneUp Real Housewives of New Jersey is over...this left me almost completely devoid of any trashy tv!!! Luckily I still had Tori and Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood to rely on. I absolutely think they are the cutest little family, and despite fame and (mis)fortune, they have truly made what they have for themselves. Yes, Tori's daddy was a multi billionaire, but he left her a measly 800k....poor T. Luckily, they sunk that into their B&B and ended up making some decent money off of that! Aside from everything, I just love their cute little family. She is such a good mama and really sends so much time with her kids and she even makes her own baby food!! Hats off to her! I plan on doing that, but we will see. I am sure that in itself will make for some interesting posts. Tori and Dean also have a loving and sweet and stable marriage, and who doesn't love watching that?!!?!?!? It's refreshing in this day to watch that rather a divorce drama drawn out on national television (ahem.....)
This week was the season finale of Southern Belles: Louisville. At first, I was merely watching because it was like a train wreck! I couldn't turn away but it was slightly nauseating to watch. However, the girls ended up growing on me and a few ended up quite endearing in my opinion. The finale definitely caught me off guard for poor Shea, I never saw that coming! I won't go into details for those of you that haven't seen it yet! I hope the ladies return for a second season!! Bring it on Soap Network!!
Real Housewives of Atlanta....let's not even go there....they're returning and once again, shall give the South a bad name. For those of you not from around here, that's NOT what women down here act like!!!! They give us a bad pun intended, because I think one of the new girls is a female rapper this season. Let's see how classy she is.
Jon and Kate...on hiatus as are my views on the situation. But I can't say that I won't watch it when it returns on Aug 3...I'm not obsessed or anything.
This summer I became addicted to Royal Pains and Burn Notice on USA Network. Raymond was already obsessed with BN, but both shows have really turned my eye! Both are very MacGuyveresque and have really good looking men in them! I am sad to see them ending for the season.
I am looking forward to going back to work so that I can once again regain my civilized conversations with other adults instead of flipping through daytime tv (which I curse my bed rest, because I have started watching Days of Our Lives, and now I'm sucked in...AGH!!) and having my day revolve around the TV Guide.
This is a day in the life of a bored baby mama:
7:00-10:00 The Today Show
10:00-11:00 Regis and Kelly
11:00-12:00 Hoda and Kathie Lee (I know, but seriously, there's nothing else on at this hour)
12:00-1:00 Law and Order: SVU (or catching up on DVR) and Raymond comes home for lunch!
1:00-2:00 Days of Our Lives
2:00- 3:00 Racheal Ray (or catching up on DVR)
3:00- 4:00 Yes, Dear (then only one more hour til Daddy's home!!!)
4:00-5:00 King of Queens (this hour doesn't last long enough, LOVE this show)
Seriously, y'all....that's my day in a nutshell.
It's a sad day in your life when you plan out hour by hour by which show is on....I don't think I'll ever retire if this is what I have to look forward to!!
Speaking of tv...back to my shows of the evening!!! We weighed in tonight! Tune in tomorrow for our results!!!
Love, Charlotte
This week was the season finale of Southern Belles: Louisville. At first, I was merely watching because it was like a train wreck! I couldn't turn away but it was slightly nauseating to watch. However, the girls ended up growing on me and a few ended up quite endearing in my opinion. The finale definitely caught me off guard for poor Shea, I never saw that coming! I won't go into details for those of you that haven't seen it yet! I hope the ladies return for a second season!! Bring it on Soap Network!!
Real Housewives of Atlanta....let's not even go there....they're returning and once again, shall give the South a bad name. For those of you not from around here, that's NOT what women down here act like!!!! They give us a bad pun intended, because I think one of the new girls is a female rapper this season. Let's see how classy she is.
Jon and Kate...on hiatus as are my views on the situation. But I can't say that I won't watch it when it returns on Aug 3...I'm not obsessed or anything.
This summer I became addicted to Royal Pains and Burn Notice on USA Network. Raymond was already obsessed with BN, but both shows have really turned my eye! Both are very MacGuyveresque and have really good looking men in them! I am sad to see them ending for the season.
I am looking forward to going back to work so that I can once again regain my civilized conversations with other adults instead of flipping through daytime tv (which I curse my bed rest, because I have started watching Days of Our Lives, and now I'm sucked in...AGH!!) and having my day revolve around the TV Guide.
This is a day in the life of a bored baby mama:
7:00-10:00 The Today Show
10:00-11:00 Regis and Kelly
11:00-12:00 Hoda and Kathie Lee (I know, but seriously, there's nothing else on at this hour)
12:00-1:00 Law and Order: SVU (or catching up on DVR) and Raymond comes home for lunch!
1:00-2:00 Days of Our Lives
2:00- 3:00 Racheal Ray (or catching up on DVR)
3:00- 4:00 Yes, Dear (then only one more hour til Daddy's home!!!)
4:00-5:00 King of Queens (this hour doesn't last long enough, LOVE this show)
Seriously, y'all....that's my day in a nutshell.
It's a sad day in your life when you plan out hour by hour by which show is on....I don't think I'll ever retire if this is what I have to look forward to!!
Speaking of tv...back to my shows of the evening!!! We weighed in tonight! Tune in tomorrow for our results!!!
Love, Charlotte
Drumroll please.......

Maybe pair that with some good Cinnamon Hazelnut coffee (1 point) and we'll call it a morning....I'm in the process of trying to convince Georgia that all the "IT" kids are sleeping these days, she should consider joining the club. I'm such a good influence.
Trashy tv updates to follow.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Blueberry Banana Bread....Vegan Style
NO, I am not a Vegan (not that I have anything against're cool in my book!) But I have some rotting bananas on my counter and I googled for a recipe that was WW friendly, preferably already had the points counted out for me, and this was one that caught my eye....I am whipping it up tonight and I will definitely let you know how it goes....
Blueberry Banana Bread
3 large over-ripe bananas
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/3 cup (80 ml) vanilla soymilk (or apple sauce)
1/2 cup (120 ml) agave nectar
2 cups (240 g) white whole wheat flour (or regular whole wheat flour)
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup (240 ml) blueberries
Preheat oven to 350F. Spray or wipe a 9x5-inch loaf pan with oil (I used a silicon loaf pan).Mix the soymilk with 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and let stand until it curdles. (If using apple sauce, skip this step and add the lemon juice to the bananas.)
In a large bowl, mash the bananas and add the remaining lemon juice, soymilk, and agave nectar. Stir well to combine. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the banana mixture, and stir just until the mixture is well-combined. Fold in the blueberries.
Spread the mixture evenly in the prepared pan and bake until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, about 50-60 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting and serving.
12 servings: 2 points per serving
....get ready for tomorrow I am gonna catch up and blog about all my favorite trashy tv!!.......
Just back from a walk (two miles and it whipped my behind!!) so I am off to shower and feed/bathe the bug!!!
Love, Charlotte
Blueberry Banana Bread
3 large over-ripe bananas
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/3 cup (80 ml) vanilla soymilk (or apple sauce)
1/2 cup (120 ml) agave nectar
2 cups (240 g) white whole wheat flour (or regular whole wheat flour)
3/4 teaspoon baking powder
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup (240 ml) blueberries
Preheat oven to 350F. Spray or wipe a 9x5-inch loaf pan with oil (I used a silicon loaf pan).Mix the soymilk with 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice and let stand until it curdles. (If using apple sauce, skip this step and add the lemon juice to the bananas.)
In a large bowl, mash the bananas and add the remaining lemon juice, soymilk, and agave nectar. Stir well to combine. In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the banana mixture, and stir just until the mixture is well-combined. Fold in the blueberries.
Spread the mixture evenly in the prepared pan and bake until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean, about 50-60 minutes. Allow to cool before cutting and serving.
12 servings: 2 points per serving
....get ready for tomorrow I am gonna catch up and blog about all my favorite trashy tv!!.......
Just back from a walk (two miles and it whipped my behind!!) so I am off to shower and feed/bathe the bug!!!
Love, Charlotte
Two Steps Forward.....Five Steps Backwards
So I really thought we were making some progress with Georgia and her sleeping....I should have known I was in the wrong lane of parenting!! Isn't that how the saying goes, when everything is going smoothly, you're in the wrong lane????
Well, we had been doing so well with her! We had her going in 4 hour stretches easily at night. Last night she was just all out of whack which makes me wonder how well she is going to do at the beach.....unfortunately there, I can't let her cry it out at night like I can here. But at least I will have help during the day so I can get a break then. Once I feed her, burp her, change her, I lay her down. For the past few nights she was going down like a champ! Going right back to sleep! Sometimes she does get a little fussy when she realizes I'm not holding her anymore but I just let her cry and usually about 20 minutes, she's passed back out again. Now mind you, it's not the blood curdling scream like you may be thinking, it's her "whiny, I wanna be held scream" which is why I am able to let her just calm her own self back down. I figure, she's got to learn this at some point....well last night after I fed her at 2 she just would not have anything to do with even shutting her eyes, or looking like she might want to go back down....I try to keep all the lights off and avoid engaging her at all cost, but last night after an hour and a half, I put her in her bouncy seat and sat there bouncing her- finally at 4, she was sleepy so I put her down and after about 10 minutes of fussiness, she fell back asleep! Whew! Only to get up at 6 to do it all over again!! HA! Today I have a feeling I will not be leaving the house!!!
On a lighter note, this weekend was so much fun for us! We got to go out on the lake on Saturday with some of our friends and were able to really relax for a few hours....Raymond and I tried to stay on track with the WW but this weekend was a little challenging I have to I'm a little nervous to go weigh in tomorrow! Oh well, hopefully it will only be a minor setback!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!! My personal goal this week is to get better about my blogging....I don't know where my time goes!!!
Well, we had been doing so well with her! We had her going in 4 hour stretches easily at night. Last night she was just all out of whack which makes me wonder how well she is going to do at the beach.....unfortunately there, I can't let her cry it out at night like I can here. But at least I will have help during the day so I can get a break then. Once I feed her, burp her, change her, I lay her down. For the past few nights she was going down like a champ! Going right back to sleep! Sometimes she does get a little fussy when she realizes I'm not holding her anymore but I just let her cry and usually about 20 minutes, she's passed back out again. Now mind you, it's not the blood curdling scream like you may be thinking, it's her "whiny, I wanna be held scream" which is why I am able to let her just calm her own self back down. I figure, she's got to learn this at some point....well last night after I fed her at 2 she just would not have anything to do with even shutting her eyes, or looking like she might want to go back down....I try to keep all the lights off and avoid engaging her at all cost, but last night after an hour and a half, I put her in her bouncy seat and sat there bouncing her- finally at 4, she was sleepy so I put her down and after about 10 minutes of fussiness, she fell back asleep! Whew! Only to get up at 6 to do it all over again!! HA! Today I have a feeling I will not be leaving the house!!!
On a lighter note, this weekend was so much fun for us! We got to go out on the lake on Saturday with some of our friends and were able to really relax for a few hours....Raymond and I tried to stay on track with the WW but this weekend was a little challenging I have to I'm a little nervous to go weigh in tomorrow! Oh well, hopefully it will only be a minor setback!!!
Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!! My personal goal this week is to get better about my blogging....I don't know where my time goes!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Weight Watchers Wednesday
Last night we had our first weigh in..........
I lost 3.6 pounds and Raymond lost 6.6 pounds!! Can you believe it?!?!? We were so ecsatic with our progress!!! We both truly felt like we gave it our all and it paid off for us! Of course, I knew Raymond would lose more than me 1) being that he's male, and most men drop weight slightly faster than women and 2) in years past, if Raymond wants to drop a few pounds, all he has to do is give up something like sweet tea and I swear the boy will lose like 30 pounds! Such is life! But we are so happy with our lifestyle change and have been cookng up some serious Weight Watchers recipes! With WW, it's not about diet food, so you can truly eat whatever want, but it teaches you portion control, and making wise and filling food decisions. There isn't anything that you CAN'T eat, but if you eat something "bad" for you, you use up a lot of your points, so you won't have very many left for the day to stay full. It's a simple concept really and it's a good thing, because this chick can't handle a complicated diet. So I thought I would start posting our progress and then closing with a great recipe from the week. The one we made last night was SUPER delicious.....
Oven Fried Sesame Chicken
4 chicken breasts (3 oz each)
2 tablespoons Soy sauce
1 minced garlic clove
Place soy sauce and garlic in a bowl add chicken turning once remove chicken from soy sauce.
In a large zip lock bag -- add:
3 tablespoons sesame seeds
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Add chicken and shake until coated. Place chicken in a baking dish, well sprayed with cooking oil. Place 1 tsp. whipped butter (optional) on each chicken breast and bake at 400 for 30 minutes, or until done.
4 points per breast (without the butter used)
Bon Appetit!!!
I lost 3.6 pounds and Raymond lost 6.6 pounds!! Can you believe it?!?!? We were so ecsatic with our progress!!! We both truly felt like we gave it our all and it paid off for us! Of course, I knew Raymond would lose more than me 1) being that he's male, and most men drop weight slightly faster than women and 2) in years past, if Raymond wants to drop a few pounds, all he has to do is give up something like sweet tea and I swear the boy will lose like 30 pounds! Such is life! But we are so happy with our lifestyle change and have been cookng up some serious Weight Watchers recipes! With WW, it's not about diet food, so you can truly eat whatever want, but it teaches you portion control, and making wise and filling food decisions. There isn't anything that you CAN'T eat, but if you eat something "bad" for you, you use up a lot of your points, so you won't have very many left for the day to stay full. It's a simple concept really and it's a good thing, because this chick can't handle a complicated diet. So I thought I would start posting our progress and then closing with a great recipe from the week. The one we made last night was SUPER delicious.....
Oven Fried Sesame Chicken
4 chicken breasts (3 oz each)
2 tablespoons Soy sauce
1 minced garlic clove
Place soy sauce and garlic in a bowl add chicken turning once remove chicken from soy sauce.
In a large zip lock bag -- add:
3 tablespoons sesame seeds
3 tablespoons flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
Add chicken and shake until coated. Place chicken in a baking dish, well sprayed with cooking oil. Place 1 tsp. whipped butter (optional) on each chicken breast and bake at 400 for 30 minutes, or until done.
4 points per breast (without the butter used)
Bon Appetit!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Cafe Mom
So usually I refuse to watch the fourth hour of The Today Show because Kathie Lee and Hoda absolutely drive me crazy....especially Hoda's wardrobe choices (I digress).....BUT one of my all time favorites (I know I'm gonna catch heat for this one) Tori Spelling is co-hosting this week while Hoda is on vacay so of course I had to tune in.....
I am so glad I did! They had a segment on moms who blog! How appropriate! They also had the Sr VP from the social networking sight so naturally I went on there to explore. It's the mothership (no pun intended) of Mom advice, news, how-tos, recipes, etc. You name it, it's on there. It's an amazing forum to wanna be mamas, expecting mamas, new mamas, and the most valuable- experienced mamas- I have had the most fun looking around this sight and getting all sorts of new information! It's definitely the new age "What to Expect When You're Expecting..." type thing. This is the perfect outlet for moms who need advice, want to share, want to vent, or just escape from reality for a bit.....
All you mamas, check it out.
I am so glad I did! They had a segment on moms who blog! How appropriate! They also had the Sr VP from the social networking sight so naturally I went on there to explore. It's the mothership (no pun intended) of Mom advice, news, how-tos, recipes, etc. You name it, it's on there. It's an amazing forum to wanna be mamas, expecting mamas, new mamas, and the most valuable- experienced mamas- I have had the most fun looking around this sight and getting all sorts of new information! It's definitely the new age "What to Expect When You're Expecting..." type thing. This is the perfect outlet for moms who need advice, want to share, want to vent, or just escape from reality for a bit.....
All you mamas, check it out.
Thankful Tuesday
So it occurred to me as I was looking back over my blog that it's been a while since I have taken a moment to think about what I am thankful here goes.....rambling as it may be.....
*My Husband
I am so thankful to have a wonderful partner in crime, and I know that without Raymond, I would certainly lose my mind on a daily basis, I am thankful to be in a marriage where we don't judge, impose, belittle, micromanage each other. I feel comfortable to go at it on my own, and know that if I fall, Raymond's view of me won't change, but most likely his love will only increase for me more.
*My Mama
Now that I have a child of my own, my admiration and love for her (and dependency!) has exponentially grown. I truly do not know how she raised my brother and I, and never missed a beat. Part of me thinks that this is why she loved us even more- I hate to say that my mama loved us more than most parents love their kids, but I really do think she did. I think she attempted to love any hurt or pain that came our way away. She is the most unselfish and giving mother that I know. I have so many attributes that I hope to emulate in raising my own daughter the main being realistic, unselfish, and unconditional love. It's something that I just sit back in awe of. That goes for other single parents out there as (monogrammed) hat is off to you!!
*All of our friends and family
We have an amazing support system and are so thankful for those friends that have stepped up and cooked us meals, offered babysitting (esp those that don't have babies!!) and chipped in where necessary. Also, our family, the prayers and love and help that abounds from these people amazes me on a daily basis. For this, I am so VERY thankful.
*Being able to have my family around me every night......
I think I sometimes take for granted what a stable household Raymond and I are able to provide for Georgia. We both have great jobs, a strong love for each other, and a desire to give our children the best life possible. As I look around blog world and I read blogs of women who's husbands are away via either the military or a traveling job I think to myself, thank goodness I know every night we are able to have dinner together. Every night I get to kiss them both good night and wake up and have breakfast with them in the morning.....
*The little things.....
Last night Raymond and I put Georgia down and played a game of Scrabble...this may sounds boring or cheesy to some of you, but you can really learn so much about each other by coming together over something as simple as a board game. One being, your partner, who misspells on an hourly basis, is a SWEEPER in the game! Who would have thunk it?!?! He's now beat me several times, and every time I am more amazed! (He also mopped the floor with my you know what in Monopoly- note to self: buy the railroads)
Also, this morning he made a bottle and brought it upstairs so I wouldn't have to go down and get it when Georgia woke up for her morning feeding....little things like this are why I love him the most.
*Aunt Liz
For those of you that don't know, Liz takes time out of her busy schedule to come out and help me whenever I need it. Literally- she comes out at the drop of hat and it just means a lot to me that most of the time, she knows I need her before I ask. Not to say that my other friends don't do this, because they certainly do/would do this if I asked, but Liz is always there for me. She also just has a knack for calming the bug down whenever she's around so if Georgia is especially fussy, it's good to have her there.
*Aunt Keys
When I think I can't go on and the exhaustion is making my eyes watery, I know I can always count on Keys for a good lighthearted conversation. It's been rough the last few weeks, because before I the baby, we literally talked everyday- and usually for at least 30 minutes or so. Since the baby, those conversations have resorted to about two times a week if we're lucky, and usually not near as long. Last week we talked for over an hour- which was an amazing feat in itself- about celebrity gossip, bathing suit shopping, redecorating our homes, what we're looking forward to most about the beach, was just so wonderful to take my mind off of all the serious stuff going on in my life and just chat and giggle about the inane details of our lives.
There are so many other things that are now coming to my maybe I will make an attempt to address this topic more often so my posts aren't as long......
One other little prayer request- Raymond and I go tonight for our first weigh in....WISH US LUCK!!! Hopefully we will have lost something....we'll see how this whole thing is panning out for us.....I'll update tomorrow! Hopefully with good news!!
Hope you all are having a Thankful Tuesday as well!!!
Love, Charlotte
*My Husband
I am so thankful to have a wonderful partner in crime, and I know that without Raymond, I would certainly lose my mind on a daily basis, I am thankful to be in a marriage where we don't judge, impose, belittle, micromanage each other. I feel comfortable to go at it on my own, and know that if I fall, Raymond's view of me won't change, but most likely his love will only increase for me more.
*My Mama
Now that I have a child of my own, my admiration and love for her (and dependency!) has exponentially grown. I truly do not know how she raised my brother and I, and never missed a beat. Part of me thinks that this is why she loved us even more- I hate to say that my mama loved us more than most parents love their kids, but I really do think she did. I think she attempted to love any hurt or pain that came our way away. She is the most unselfish and giving mother that I know. I have so many attributes that I hope to emulate in raising my own daughter the main being realistic, unselfish, and unconditional love. It's something that I just sit back in awe of. That goes for other single parents out there as (monogrammed) hat is off to you!!
*All of our friends and family
We have an amazing support system and are so thankful for those friends that have stepped up and cooked us meals, offered babysitting (esp those that don't have babies!!) and chipped in where necessary. Also, our family, the prayers and love and help that abounds from these people amazes me on a daily basis. For this, I am so VERY thankful.
*Being able to have my family around me every night......
I think I sometimes take for granted what a stable household Raymond and I are able to provide for Georgia. We both have great jobs, a strong love for each other, and a desire to give our children the best life possible. As I look around blog world and I read blogs of women who's husbands are away via either the military or a traveling job I think to myself, thank goodness I know every night we are able to have dinner together. Every night I get to kiss them both good night and wake up and have breakfast with them in the morning.....
*The little things.....
Last night Raymond and I put Georgia down and played a game of Scrabble...this may sounds boring or cheesy to some of you, but you can really learn so much about each other by coming together over something as simple as a board game. One being, your partner, who misspells on an hourly basis, is a SWEEPER in the game! Who would have thunk it?!?! He's now beat me several times, and every time I am more amazed! (He also mopped the floor with my you know what in Monopoly- note to self: buy the railroads)
Also, this morning he made a bottle and brought it upstairs so I wouldn't have to go down and get it when Georgia woke up for her morning feeding....little things like this are why I love him the most.
*Aunt Liz
For those of you that don't know, Liz takes time out of her busy schedule to come out and help me whenever I need it. Literally- she comes out at the drop of hat and it just means a lot to me that most of the time, she knows I need her before I ask. Not to say that my other friends don't do this, because they certainly do/would do this if I asked, but Liz is always there for me. She also just has a knack for calming the bug down whenever she's around so if Georgia is especially fussy, it's good to have her there.
*Aunt Keys
When I think I can't go on and the exhaustion is making my eyes watery, I know I can always count on Keys for a good lighthearted conversation. It's been rough the last few weeks, because before I the baby, we literally talked everyday- and usually for at least 30 minutes or so. Since the baby, those conversations have resorted to about two times a week if we're lucky, and usually not near as long. Last week we talked for over an hour- which was an amazing feat in itself- about celebrity gossip, bathing suit shopping, redecorating our homes, what we're looking forward to most about the beach, was just so wonderful to take my mind off of all the serious stuff going on in my life and just chat and giggle about the inane details of our lives.
There are so many other things that are now coming to my maybe I will make an attempt to address this topic more often so my posts aren't as long......
One other little prayer request- Raymond and I go tonight for our first weigh in....WISH US LUCK!!! Hopefully we will have lost something....we'll see how this whole thing is panning out for us.....I'll update tomorrow! Hopefully with good news!!
Hope you all are having a Thankful Tuesday as well!!!
Love, Charlotte
Monday, July 20, 2009
A Look at Our Weekend
This weekend we were so grateful to Swoozie for taking Georgia for us on Friday night! Raymond and I went to see The Hangover and then out for a bit. We took this photo before we went out and it was to send to Raymond's cousin and his beautiful (now) wife who were married Friday evening. The whole family all took photos from their locations to send their toasts to them on the West Coast. It made for such a beautiful slide show and it was so moving to see everyone raising their glasses to wish them the best. We thought it turned out well, only wish the bug could have made her presence in it! But, next time for sure!!
The rest of these pictures are from Saturday night when our little ladybug came back. We were happy to have had the night off, but we both missed her so terribly much! We were ecstatic to have her back!!!
Lounging with her Daddy.......
Snug in her swing....or the MIRACLE swing as I should call it!!!
Getting kisses from her Mama.....
It was so wonderful to have time for just the two of us, but you quickly realize when you are alone, that your world really does revolve completely around your babies. It's not a bad thing, but it also made Raymond and I realize how ever more important it is that we keep our relationship "up to par" as well. Being out, just the two of us, felt like we were dating all over again and once again he made me feel so special and wonderful and not because I'm the mother of his daughter, but because I am the woman he loves so completely. I am so thankful for my wonderful husband!!
Lounging with her Daddy.......
Hope y'alls weekend was as wonderful as ours!!!!
"I've been scared as hell cause I've heard how the story goes. You get married and you settle down and the passion withers like a rose. But I refuse to lose this thing we have together. And I'll keep the fire burning baby burning both ends of forever."
-Corey Smith
Love, Charlotte
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
our little bug
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Terriffic Tuesday!!
So I went to Babies R Us today after my doctor's appointment (which I got all A's at by the way!) and decided to take the plunge and try a new swing. I figured, if it doesn't work, I can take it back like I did everything else and kindly explain to the lady at the counter the reason that I am returning it is my child screams bloody murder when in it....I was hoping to have better luck this time. Okay, so after looking at all of the different ones, and feeling more confused than when I went in, I just went with the middle range, Fisher Price, open top cradle swing. It had good reviews online after I got home, and I try and not put too much stock in all of the reviews but this one was pretty good. So, after much help from Georgia and Tellie, I assembled the swing and plopped the bug in it. She was especially fussy this afternoon, so there was no better time to begin the experiment!!! Well I am so incredibly happy to report that from the moment that I put her in there, she has been snoozing peacefully!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it!!! The silence is like music to my ears!! I had to do some maneuvering in our den to position the swing where we could watch her in it, but it is working like a champ. I also scored some more Born Free bottles and some Variable flowing nipples (has anyone else heard of these- I hadn't) for when I give her formula at night....all in all, it was an incredibly successful trip. Below is a picture of the swing- just picture my baby, peacefully sleeping in it and then picture me on the couch beside her sleeping myself. It's a good image isn't it???
To then top off my great afternoon with a cherry, I checked my blogger today and I won this bracelet!! I NEVER win anything!!! I entered the giveaway over at Madras and Pearls. She is super creative and has started designing her own jewelry and decided to giveaway this adorable bracelet. Well, you know who was the lucky winner!! I can't wait to get it and start showing it off to everyone!!!! Could this afternoon BE any better?!?!?! (Channeling Chandler Bing there)
Hope you all are having a fabulous day as well!! Hopefully the swing will continue to provide us with much peace and quiet for the rest of the evening!!!!

Charlotte and her sleeping bunnies
Monday, July 13, 2009
Jammie Day!!!

Today marks our family's LAST day of gluttony! Tomorrow Raymond and I officially start WW and we are so excited. I am smaller than I was before I got pregnant, but now that I have a baby, I am super motivated to keep dropping the lb's and get healthy for G. I am back to normal and feeling like I have the whole baby nursing/feeding/sleeping schedule down to where I can now focus on something else. We will keep you posted on our success! We are ready to go- we have the meetings, the cookbooks, and no junk in the house!! Wish us luck!!
Also, on a mommy note....we have been on a bottle search. Before the bug arrived, I stocked up on Dr. Brown's bottles because I had so many people tell me they were the best. Well, no one told me though, that bottles, like pacis (and expensive baby equipment) are not necessarily going to be the same for every baby. These just have not worked very well for us. They leak and Ladybug fought terrible gas on her belly and we tried switching up formula and that didn't work. So we went back to regular formula, and then switched bottles and......ta da!! I think we found it!! We have been using the Born Free bottles and I LOVE them. I like that they are big, fat bottles, which are good for holding. And I like the size of the nipples, she doesn't spit back the formula out of the sides of her mouth like she does with the DB's. And the bug seems to respond better to these than the Dr Brown's altogether. I resisted packing up the Dr. Brown's because I thought I might be jinxing myself. But, I think after frustration after frustration, I am finally going to take the plunge and pack up most of the bottles. I will prob leave a few of them out, as I only have about 5 of the Born Free bottles, and I have about 30 Dr. Brown's bottles and I will slowly build up my BF stash. Hopefully in the next week I will have a couple more bottles and once and for all put up the rest of the DB's!!!
Now, does anyone have any suggestions on a good swing that swings side to side? We tried the front to back and she doesn't like it....go figure!!! All suggestions are welcome!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful (jammie) day!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlotte and her snuggle bunnies
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Everybody's workin for the weekend....
So my weekend started off with these on Friday afternoon.........on top of getting flowers, I also got the afternoon off!!! Raymond came home at lunch and didn't go back and watched ladybug for me. I went upstairs, read my Us Weekly, watched unlimited amounts of E! and Lifetime, and could pretty much say I was in Mommy Heaven.......
To make my weekend even BETTER, we took the bug for her first swim!!! She was too cute in her bathing attire!!! It was such a nice day out today and we so enjoyed splashing around in the pool. Georgia didn't quite know what to think of it all, as I am I am sure she mistakenly thought it was a cool bath!! I think our ladybug will be a water bug in no time......
And to round it all off, we had ribs, baked potatoes, green beans, and peach cobbler for dinner!! So yummy!!! Add all of that with a little night cap of UFC Fight Night and you can stick a fork in me! The hubs and his friends will be glued to the tube for the rest of the night, but at least the wives will be entertained! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!

"There's no combination of words I could put on the back of a postcard. No song that I could sing. But I can try for your heart, our dreams, and they are made out of real things like a shoebox of photographs with sepia-toned loving. Love is the answer at least for most of the questions in my heart, like Why are we here? And where do we go? And how come it's so hard? It's not always easy and sometimes life can be deceiving. I'll tell you one thing, it's always better when we're together....yeah it's always better when we're together...."
-Jack Johnson
Thursday, July 9, 2009
It's been a whole week already???

I know that it has been a week since I last posted....I don't know where my time goes!!! I hope you all are doing well!! Not much has changed in our lives! I am just living in the moment with my precious baby!!! These are some pictures of our week this week!!!! Hope you all enjoy!!!!!
I just can't get enough of her!!!!! It is so amazing to watch her little personality develop more each day! She is growing like a weed and eating like crazy! I can barely keep up with her!
As you can see, the life of my little lady bug in the Hamilton household is a TIRING one!!!!!! She was ready to go to bed!!!!!!
This picture is the reason I get up every day!!! I am so incredibly thankful for the blessings God has given us. Raymond and I feel like the luckiest two people in the world.

Everything else in our lives has certainly mellowed out. I am, what I would say, fully recovered from my surgery. I feel great. I revel in every moment that I get to spend with Georgia and I am having the most fun being a mama. I promise to do better about posting!!!
Hope all of you are well!!
Much love,
The Happy Hamilton's
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
New Territory
So....the bug and I ventured on our very first expedition by ourselves! We have traveled to see Big and Mimzy on our own!!! It is a very big step for Mama in that I am so very co dependent on my S.O. Thank goodness for the webcam!! Tonight we got to Skype with Daddy and see what shenanigans he was up to. It was so very bittersweet to see my love in that I was glad to see him getting a break, but I was so very sad to not be there today to greet him when he came home from work. The time we have together over dinner or playing a game of Scrabble is something that I look forward to every day. Raymond is such a HUGE part of both mine and Georgia's lives, that, to spend a second without him is heartbreaking. Now, before marriage, you would NEVER in a million years catch me saying this!! I was Beyonce's Independent Woman!! But, getting married and having a child with someone changes you! I depend on my hubby more than I ever thought I would. It's something that I think has made me grow as a person.
Anyways, today Mama went to get a pedicure and a facial and I have to say, that, although I love my child with all of my heart, it was so very nice to hit the spa without her today. They were running a little bit behind, and although they kept apologizing, I kept thinking in the back of my head, "Are you kidding me??!?!!??!?!? I am just enjoying being sprawled out on this couch with relaxing music and a baby NOT attached to my hip!!!!!!!" I thoroughly enjoyed my stay and I am sure that we will be back as soon as Big and Mimzy will have us back!! Which I am sure will most definitely be A.S.A.P.
This afternoon we had a little Sip-N-See and were able to debut Miss Georgia Cauthen to all of Chesta's Finest.....I will post pics as soon as we get them loaded!!! The ladies all loved passing the hot potato formally known as G and googling at who she looked like most, and what a beautiful complexion she had!! I will say this, that as a mama, I will never get tired of hearing how beautiful my child is, and what a pretty face she has. It's a fact.
Tomorrow we are off for tour around the big town o' Chesta and then headed to Rock Heezy to do a little shoppin....Mama may try to fit in a hair cut tomorrow as well if she can get squeezed in at the salon...for Raymond's sake, keep your fingers crossed!!!
We are so excited to celebrate a wonderful weekend with Swoozie and celebrate our fallen heroes with a festive 4th of July fiesta!!!! I will certainly update you with the most recent pics!!!
I will also take a moment to wish my baby girl the most wonderful 1st Month Birthday that she could ever imagine!!! Georgia Cauthen, I love you with all of my heart, and I am so absolutely proud to be your mama...I know that you will, undoubtedly, make me the most proud parent on the block and I thank God every second that I get to spend with you. Let's live it up, for the rest of our lives!!
I love you baby girl, always, and of course, forever.....
Your Mama
Anyways, today Mama went to get a pedicure and a facial and I have to say, that, although I love my child with all of my heart, it was so very nice to hit the spa without her today. They were running a little bit behind, and although they kept apologizing, I kept thinking in the back of my head, "Are you kidding me??!?!!??!?!? I am just enjoying being sprawled out on this couch with relaxing music and a baby NOT attached to my hip!!!!!!!" I thoroughly enjoyed my stay and I am sure that we will be back as soon as Big and Mimzy will have us back!! Which I am sure will most definitely be A.S.A.P.
This afternoon we had a little Sip-N-See and were able to debut Miss Georgia Cauthen to all of Chesta's Finest.....I will post pics as soon as we get them loaded!!! The ladies all loved passing the hot potato formally known as G and googling at who she looked like most, and what a beautiful complexion she had!! I will say this, that as a mama, I will never get tired of hearing how beautiful my child is, and what a pretty face she has. It's a fact.
Tomorrow we are off for tour around the big town o' Chesta and then headed to Rock Heezy to do a little shoppin....Mama may try to fit in a hair cut tomorrow as well if she can get squeezed in at the salon...for Raymond's sake, keep your fingers crossed!!!
We are so excited to celebrate a wonderful weekend with Swoozie and celebrate our fallen heroes with a festive 4th of July fiesta!!!! I will certainly update you with the most recent pics!!!
I will also take a moment to wish my baby girl the most wonderful 1st Month Birthday that she could ever imagine!!! Georgia Cauthen, I love you with all of my heart, and I am so absolutely proud to be your mama...I know that you will, undoubtedly, make me the most proud parent on the block and I thank God every second that I get to spend with you. Let's live it up, for the rest of our lives!!
I love you baby girl, always, and of course, forever.....
Your Mama
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