Wednesday, October 13, 2010


.....I'll give my family that reads this a minute to let their hearts start beating again!!!.....

No loves! It's not me!!! It's our sweet sweet Tellie!!!!! My first born (furbaby, that is) is due in 2 weeks with her first litter!!! We have 7 or 8 puppies in there according to the vet and we could not be happier!! The list is piling up so my anxiety level has lowered some of having puppies left behind that if they stayed too long, I knew I would not be able to sell them.....

They are set to go home to their families December 22....what an amazing Christmas gift!!!!!

The proud Mama!!!!
She's getting so chubby!!!!

While this only partly explains me being MIA for almost a month, it has been absolutely INSANE around here....we have lots going on, not to mention that it's 4th quarter and in the insurance industry, that means HELL ON EARTH. 50 hour weeks, say what?!?!? Couple that with JL, gymmin it, Georgia turning 16 months old (WTF?!?!!), and Citadel football....and somewhere in there trying to find time to spend with my main squeeze....where there you have it my friends....the absolute chaos that is our normalcy.........
I promise to come back soon with more updates from my baby brother getting his RING from The Citadel (lots of tears, lots of emotion, lots of wine), updated pics of the Bug, tailgating tales, and baby/puppy news!!!!!!!