Monday, April 12, 2010

Who needs an Oscar when you have blog awards?!?!?

Bella over at Southern Somedays passed on the I Love Your Blog award....I love her blog and her family is so beautiful!!! She's got a great place and I hope you run and follow her!!!

Things that make me happy......
1. The way my sweet Georgia smells and her's infectious
2. The smile on my husband's face when he walks through the door every night- no matter how hard his day has been, he never lets on
3. My job...I have the most wonderful career and I love every minute of it. I could not be more thankful for all that they have done for me.
4. My fabulous friends!!! You all are so wonderful!!
5. Blogging...I am so happy to have an outlet to vent to and for such inspirational people I meet out here in blogland....I have come across some pretty incredible people
6. My Mama....I don't know where I would be without her
7. Summer...I think all the cold weather down here has made me crazy....the sun is soothing
8. AHA Moments...we don't have enough of them
9. A Friday night with absolutely nothing to do
10. My relationship with my Saviour...Raymond and I put God first and everything second. When I am doubtful, or unsure of myself, He brings me back to my core, and quickly reminds me of what's important.....
Now, to the 5 bloggers that I love......
I know you will love all of these ladies as much as I do!!
The Rules:
1. Link and thank the blogger who awarded you.
2. List "What makes you happy"
3. Pass the award on to the 5 blogs you love.
4. Notify the new recipients of their awards.


  1. Congrats on the fabulous award girl! I got happy just reading your list! Thank you so much for thinking of me! Hope your having a wonderful day! xoxo

  2. Oh goodness gracious! How did I miss this?! Thank you so much!! You are so awesome and I love your blog too! :)

  3. How sweet thank you so much, I have a huge stack I need to get caught up on. Love that you love me, we belles have to stick together!

  4. Yay!!! thank you so much for the award!!! I just finished spreading the love - check it out!!

    Thanks again!!!


what are you observing these days????